Roman Abramovich lança ultimato ao Chelsea

O bilionário russo e dono do Chelsea, Roman Abramovich, não está satisfeito com a prestação do clube inglês nos últimos tempos, e segundo avança a imprensa britânica terá mesmo lançado um ultimato a jogadores e staff: ou vencem um troféu, provando o seu mérito, ou haverão consequências no final da temporada.

Abramovich terá convocado uma reunião com os dirigentes do clube depois da derrota às mãos de José Mourinho, a contar para os oitavos-de-final da Liga dos Campeões, em casa (0-1 para o Inter de Milão). Claramente insatisfeito, o russo quer ver a equipa mudar de atitude, sendo que caso tal não se verifique o emblema enfrentará um período de mudança, no qual segundo o próprio muitos empregados de Stamford Bridge conhecerão a porta de saída.

Citando uma fonte anónima que esteve presente na reunião, a imprensa inglesa escreve: "Roman didn't actually say that much but it was clear from what he did say and his body language that he was absolutely furious."

"Nobody knew he was coming to Cobham on Wednesday and certainly nobody expected the three most powerful men at the club to call a meeting. It was Tenenbaum who did most of the talking. Well, actually, there was as much shouting as talking. He made the points that Roman obviously wanted to get across. The meeting lasted almost two hours and it wasn't a debate, it was the boss getting a message across and everybody was pretty clear about what it meant. If there wasn't a dramatic change, then there would be new faces coming in the summer."

"It wasn't just the players he was talking about, it was the coaches and the medical people as well. Nobody felt safe coming out of the meeting."